
Abuse cosmetic care chloasma

Smooth flawless skin,  980nm laser  for most people, is expected to be hard to find and, as long as a small stain can easily destroy its perfection. However, doctors opinion, perfect or not may not care, but can not appear inexplicable stain effect, since they also may be in to your health warning.

Abuse cosmetics small experience chloasma

Long-term use of cosmetics can cause thinning of the skin, hair follicle atrophy, telangiectasia and other skin problems. Long-term abuse, accumulation of heavy metal substances can lead to so-called cosmetic dermatology, such as melasma.

Melasma is the most common skin diseases, many of which are cosmetics, skin care products, initiated. Many women face melasma located cheeks, cheekbones, skin care products because it is the favorite place. Skincare skin irritation is quietly accumulated, at the beginning do not feel, but every day stimulation, the impact is formed. Cosmetic result of patients due to melasma is recommended to first try disabling cosmetics three months.

To prevent melasma, first to the proper use of cosmetics, at least, do not abuse, especially not low-quality cosmetics. You can not select a clean face after feeling very dry, very tight cleanser; after washing the face, but not to apply skin care products, and other 40 minutes before use, then the skin can automatically regulate the secretion of water oil; makeup to try avoid, when you must first use the Cream of makeup.

How to prevent melasma?

1, not a long time in the sun exposure, wear a hat or umbrella when going out, but also on the exposed parts of titanium oxide coated with frost or 10% ammonia acid cream while on the go.

2. If you suspect Melasma is caused by certain drugs and cosmetics, should be discontinued, observe whether there are aggravating chloasma, melasma is best able to find the cause of the specific composition of the future can avoid the use of drugs containing this ingredient and cosmetics.
3, eat more fresh fruits (fruit food) and vegetables (vegetable food): such as celery, spinach, day lily, black fungus, lotus root, apples (apple food), pears, watermelons.

4. Eat spicy spicy food: coffee, cocoa, garlic, cinnamon, pepper, pepper and so on.

5, to the United States, must be less drinking.

6, to maintain a happy, more exercise (movement of food), but pay attention to work and rest.

7, aggressive treatment of chronic kidney disease, to correct irregular menstruation, regulating endocrine dysfunction.

8 women (female food) may be out of oral contraceptives, use other methods of contraception, maybe get unexpected results.

9, chloasma caused by reason of pregnancy, if not go away after giving birth (postpartum food) for six months, it is necessary medical treatment.

10 In addition, melasma tattoo removal machine  patients usually should not be excessive consumption of spicy foods, such as wine, tea, coffee, etc., so as not to aggravate the situation long spot.


The right to keep your skin supple and let water

As the weather changes, 980nm diode laser the skin becomes more dry, even peeling, then we need to moisturize work, take the right replenishment methods, skin beauty care. The following methods for skin replenishment specific introduction.

1. Initial appearance Resolution: peeling parts rub a little cream or moisturizing cream, moisturizing things as water, let it not look so obvious, that feels no pain, such items above are more market casually can buy.

2. The inside of the body Solution: Before only a temporary solution, because it is caused by lack of water so I have to pay, to adhere to during peeling drink eight glasses of water a day and even more (not too much, to prevent water intoxication), to ensure that every day in addition to water consumption outside still have the remaining water molecule, another note less movement during this period, otherwise it will only exacerbate the reduction of water molecules.

3. surroundings Solution: In addition to drinking water actually go in and eat food contains, as well as ambient air humidity affect the recommended time indoors, put a pot of water in the room, or in the human activity region put a steaming cup of hot water to keep the indoor ventilation.

4. solve skin care products: try to choose more moderate replenishment of products, such as moisturizing effect good Weibo mask and moisturizing lotion, facial peeling problem is very effective. To avoid falling into that the oily product is a good product replenishment errors.

5. After holding resolve: Do not just avoid this situation occurred after the immediate return to the previous way of life, this will only repeat the same mistakes, speed up the aging of the skin, so skin care should always pay attention, do not bursts appeared peeling, attention drinking habits and amount of problems.

In fact, beauty is not difficult, ipl beauty machine provided that the good moisture replenishment work through these moisturizing skin care methods, we need to note the importance of selection method. On a wide range of skin care, stick, certainly there will be surprises.


Deposition mask 10 fatal error

Mask skin care products  980nm laser  nin the meal, although the effect is very good, but unless there are special requirements, or can not use every day. Deposition mask errors we should know, is the following deposition mask 10 fatal error.
1, apply the mask every day
Mask skin care products in the meal, although the effect is very good, but unless there are special requirements, in principle, can be used every day. Some mask has clearly marked the period, such as 5 Tianyi treatment, or 10 days 3. To achieve the best results, it should be strictly observed to do.
If long-term continuous use, 1 to 2 times a week is enough. Otherwise, no matter how good the food, eating more will feel that stays that way! Of course, if it is an emergency under special circumstances, at any time can be used.
Daily cleansing mask can cause skin sensitivity, even inflamed, so that immature keratinocytes lose the ability to resist the invaders; moisturizing mask every day use is likely to cause acne; moisturizing mask, you can use every day in the dry season.
2, the side edge bath deposition mask
Apply mask while bathing while it is a very clever approach to save time, but depending on your choice of mask may be.
Recommended use wet-type mask, tearing and jelly-type mask is not recommended. Because moisture will cause the mask and the skin adhesion is not easy, if it is required to dry mask, steam will affect the mask effect.
In addition to the mask, when the beauty industry now popular facial massage cream is also very suitable for use bath, steam bath time can help soften the skin.
Skin mask is "tonic" that can provide the basis of skin care products can not provide the energy in a short time to stimulate the skin's vitality maximum. But the "nourishing beverages", the mask is not used, the better, how to apply the mask, but pay attention to Oh.

3, does not require particularly applicable Mask
Eye skin thickness of only 1/4 of the normal skin, so it needs even more special care. Many mask, especially clean moisture and the like, the ingredients inside the eye weak skin can cause irritation, should avoid the use of the eye. So if you want to strengthen eye care and skin, eye mask use or necessary. Especially a lot of water in the skin around the eye, of intensive care and the absence of nutrition, the effect is ideal.
Mask should stick with the fact,980nm diode laser at least twice a week, and to cooperate with the cream, in order to achieve the best eye effect.

4, with the mask type mask over the neck
Can not be ignored and neck skin, neck skin most likely to reveal the age, but when attending important occasions, we tend to wear dressed in the bare-necked dress. So a few days before the dress you must start doing makeup neck care before.
1 week in advance to make a moisturizing neck membrane, so that the neck skin to drink enough water; in the formal makeup before about 15 minutes, then apply again neck membrane, can quickly fade pigmentation, even the neck skin; then coated with moisturizing Cream in the neck, so you can more than makeup.

5, must not be wasted in essence mask
Can have a sense of conservation is very good, but to use the right place! Deposited mask time "overruns" will lead to skin dehydration, loss of nutrients.
So in addition to follow the instructions for use, but you can do depending on the mask a rough time estimate: moderate moisture content, about 15 minutes after removed, in order to avoid anti-absorption of moisture from the skin after the mask dry; high moisture content, You can use more than a while, but will remove up to 30 minutes. If you're really reluctant to other parts of the inside of the essence, then it is used to rub the body is also good.
6, before the mask must go horny
Before doing facial mask to keep the skin clean it is necessary, but not necessarily every time exfoliating.
Stratum corneum of the skin is the skin's natural barrier, preventing moisture loss, and pH effects, cuticle metabolic cycle is 28 days, or every 28 days cuticle metabolism of some of the dead cells and thus scrub up to 1 month do a second, exfoliating too often will damage the cuticle. In addition, sensitive skin, not to scrub frequently.
7. Long-term DIY mask
MM see many TV and magazines to promote their DIY mask, quite creative, but essentially to help our skin is very limited, it may be done in just feeling some effect, but the next day the skin reverted to the original look.
The reason is that these ingredients are natural homemade mask, but did not go through some process of science and technology, in general molecules too big to be absorbed by the skin, so although interesting, save money, but to no avail, the wise you need to think about yo !

8, oily skin with a cleansing mask can
Oily skin mm deposition mask is very important, you can choose from three mask: oil control mask, deep cleansing mask, moisturizing mask. Because in the dry season, as the skin will appear dry oil and dry situation. Can be selected using the program for a day of the week and oil control moisturizing mask, every one week to do deep cleaning and moisturizing mask.

9, not too thick mask
Apply a thick layer mask needs? Yes! Thick when deposited in the face mask, the skin temperature rises, promote blood circulation, nutrients will penetrate better between cells spread. Skin surface moisture evaporation of those who can not will be retained in the epidermis, the skin smooth and tight. Warming effect will be softened so horny, pores expand to allow the accumulation of dirt on the inside of the opportunity to be discharged.

10, do not use the tearing-type mask
The tearing-type mask using the mask and the skin of full contact and bonding, when the mask is tearing away the skin, the black skin, aging skin and fat all "stripping" under. It's clean strongest, but also the greatest damage to the skin, improper use can cause loose skin, large pores and skin allergies.
For the tearing-type mask has always been more controversial, because tearing this action itself will cause damage to the skin, it is not recommended to use this type of mask. Of course, the tearing-type mask has the advantage of relatively strong cleaning power, if you really love this mask, then the mask when painting remember to avoid the eye and eyebrow, and the frequency of use is not too high, usually once a week is enough.


Often the use of six hazardous cosmetic skin

Not only did not care 980nm diode laser cosmetic effect may also harm the skin, cosmetics cause skin allergies phenomenon occur frequently, long-term use of hormone-containing cosmetics, skin will have a great dependence, will rebound after the disabled, even dermatitis and other conditions. Selection of cosmetics ......Not only did not care cosmetic effect may also harm the skin, cosmetics cause skin allergies phenomenon occur frequently, long-term use of hormone-containing cosmetics, skin will have a great dependence, will rebound after the disabled, even dermatitis and other conditions. You must be careful when selecting cosmetics. Often skin poisoning cosmetics, what does?Cause Skin "poisoning"Our skin is an organ absorbed, and sweat through the slit holes between cells of the stratum corneum and hair follicles absorb foreign substances, such as cosmetics and external use. Due to absorption through the skin is not breathing, the digestive system is very straightforward, so the skin poisoning often long-term process, mercury, lead poisoning is most common. The use of certain cosmetics, they do have a beginning whitening cosmetic effect, but for a long time the formation of pigmentation, difficult to treat.Consequences of skin poisoningBecause long-term use of such cosmetics, skin will produce dependence, also known as hormone dermatitis, redness appears small and recurrent pimples to form red patches, dry skin, itching, burning skin lesions, skin thin, scaly even pigmentation, hormone-dependent, hormone-containing cosmetics wipe was comfortable.Caution whitening products

Some called seven days whitening, Blemish products can not believe it. Because the use of such products, a start will find the skin slippery white, but a long time use, you will find more and more thin skin, it is difficult to cure. To go through Chinese and Western medicine, anti-allergy, laser treatments, and will repair damaged skin moisturizer. This process is as short as two months or as long as a year.Beauty salon products made with cautionThe survey found that many beauty salons use the law to add a hormone-like substance made cosmetic skin care or so-called desensitization therapy, leading consumers to hormone-dependent dermatitis. When the selection of cosmetics beauty salons, cosmetics should check labels, brochures, packaging integrity select, license documents full of cosmetics, avoid the use of false hype and promote effective products and homemade beauty salon products. In addition to the above four cosmetics, we have to be more careful the other two cosmetics. Caution homemade maskMany girls feel homemade mask certainly does not contain hormones, but in fact, this method may be effective for some people, on the other part may be harmful. Because all homemade mask materials are divided pH with wrong, it will make your skin even more powerful. Skin health status should be slightly acidic, derived hormone dermatitis skin, you can not distinguish the pH of homemade products.Caution various cosmeticsWhen you are sure got hormone dermatitis, please be sure to disable the facial cleanser, and do not do a variety of homemade mask. Cleanser, especially the ability of cleansing foam cleanser, and cosmetics, creams, make your laser skin condition worse. You have to do is cool side with lukewarm water wash, do not use any lotion after a good wash, veins removal laser the coating can be the most gentle moisturizer.Our skin is very delicate, improper use of cosmetics is very easy to go wrong, we do not allow ourselves to face trial product before use must be a clear understanding of the cosmetics, in addition to other parts of the body can touch, see if there is no allergy The reaction before deciding whether to buy.

Collagen comprehensive skincare

We care and 980nm laser  maintenance of skin, prevent skin aging, the most important thing is locked inside the skin collagen, crush believe are very envious of baby skin supple and smooth, but with the number of years, the collagen within the skin continues to lose , which is also no longer skin supple as ever. You know, these are the result of lack of collagen. So, you want to let the skin is still moist and smooth, collagen is the fight against skin aging, prevent oxidation of the skin and avoid the most fundamental method of skin care wrinkles breeding. Why collagen can fight skin aging it? Should first understand the crush of collagen for skin protection effect, and then according to their skin needs to replenish collagen, timely fight against skin aging!

Collagen can be anti-aging skin

Cause collagen against skin aging there? Collagen start Structurally, it is a triple helix structure itself is a flexible spiral structure, can effectively lock the moisture within the skin, but also contains a lot of collagen natural moisturizing factor, can keep skin supple a wet state, which is why collagen can be an important reason against skin aging.

Since collagen skin special protection, not only against skin aging, but also to prevent the breeding of skin wrinkles, prevent skin oxidation. Oxidation of the skin, the truth is like the fruit as oxidation, oxidation of the fruit, not only greatly reduce the nutritional value, but also are more likely to rot, so that the crush should replenish collagen, prevent oxidation of the skin.

The correct way to supplement collagen

Skin collagen, there are many ways it can choose tonic drugs make up, skin care products, collagen, etc. Information, Sibu collagen may wish to drink collagen drinks to replenish collagen, these drinks contain more collagen extracts, for the skin to add a lot of collagen, both nutrition and health.

Collagen problems that need attention

Collagen-year-old be able to protect the skin aging, collagen but need to be careful, there are a few babes on protein allergy prone skin allergy phenomenon after taking collagen, therefore, is not collagen, in addition, pregnant women, lactating women should not take collagen products, is not conducive to growth and development of fetuses and infants; laser hair removal  the collagen breast enhancement effect, therefore, women suffer from breast hyperplasia, we do not recommend taking collagen skin care. Never as good collagen skin care make up forever, under these types of circumstances, collagen is not appropriate, we need to pay more attention to crush Oh!


Woman firming approach

Pores is good hate, 980nm diode laser vascular removal machine their skin looks a little beauty, not even your friends are afraid to rely on it too. So, what can shrink pores, firm skin it? With a look.
1, heating cleansing
Cleansing, it also requires major cleansing methods, in order to effectively achieve the effect of shrinking pores. When the proper amount of cleanser cleansing, foaming with both hands, rub, and then use the palm temperature spreads in the face, and make the products easier to remove sebum and dirt, remove the old waste.
Many will rush to hurry because my sister wash your face, but we need to know is that it is absolutely impossible to do a thorough cleaning of our skin. So wash your face, they must be careful, every part should be cleaned Oh. What especially love the oil position, it is to pay attention to this point oh!
2, the partition exfoliating
The exfoliating into the T-zone (the nose region) and U region (the area around the nose and mouth), but we should note that even a different region exfoliating method. T can be used over and over again exfoliating scrub, the effect will be more obvious, and the U District using exfoliating mask, this will reduce the damage to the skin, shrink pores achieve better results.
3, clear clogged pores
For large pores sister clean up the pores when the need to do is to clear clogged pores, the method is to first face with a cleanser to clean, and then loaded a pot of hot water, turning her face to the top of the pot, let the water steam straight face, and then wrapped in a towel for 3 minutes, prompted pores open.
And then advance with 75% alcohol swab over the medical needle (5-7) of the needle cap or acne device gently squeeze the edge of the skin acne, acne can be squeezed out.
4, avoid touching
Pores are likely to cause acne problems on your skin, and for that matter, need our attention is often not to touch acne. Many are like sister will grow out of acne squeeze out, and although this method can remove acne, but there is a huge possibility of infection, it can cause the skin to appear bigger problems.
Refused to tighten skin pores a trick
5, to close the pores of the essence to use in a timely manner
Skin cream certainly missed. When the face pores, some may choose to sister deep cleansing mask or oil products, in fact, doing so would be counterproductive effect.

Therefore, we should pay attention to doing on a daily basis after cleaning, should be even to replenish collagen, elastin fibers and pores ingredient skin care products, as far as possible to improve the large pores have been formed.
6, good antioxidant
To improve the problem of large pores, we should always pay attention to do the work of anti-oxidation, so as to restore the delicate flawless skin aging.
Otherwise, increased production of free radicals and highly active, will only make the skin more to lose elasticity, sagging pores will be more severe, and women 25 years of age need to be more anti-oxidation, selective for their own skin use some maintenance products, so as to bid farewell to the large pores, make the skin look younger than their actual age.
7, skin sleep
Before going to sleep must pay attention to thoroughly clean the face, will be absorbed by the skin of the day to clean up garbage, and apply fresh texture of skin care products, must not be excessive to apply some cream, ointments, etc., try to make the skin during the night to enter more relaxed, smooth state, full breathing.
Homemade mask firm skin, large pores rejected
Homemade puree flour pore care mask
Ingredients: pineapple, papaya, flour.
1, take the right amount of meat, pineapple and papaya flesh, 1: 1 ratio of good deployment.
2, together into fruit juice machine into a pulpy, then add a little flour to reconcile, stir into a paste.
3, which applied to the face after cleansing, take 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water.
4, 1-2 times a week.
Efficacy: deep clean the skin, remove grease and waste horny pores.
Homemade eggs olive oil mask nursing pores
Ingredients: eggs, lemon juice, coarse salt, olive oil
1, a mask eggs and mix in a bowl,808nm diode laser hair removal machine  then add the juice of half a lemon juice and a little coarse salt.
2, all the material mixing evenly, dripping a little olive oil and stir again.
3, this mask is stored in the refrigerator, 1-2 times a week to do.
Efficacy: can effectively shrink pores, skin becomes firm, smooth and delicate.


Homemade natural exfoliating scrub

Scrub contains Cheap Beauty Machine  fine particles of exfoliating products, as long as applied in the body and rubbing, you can remove old cuticle skin, and you can remove the skin pores deep in dirt, skin reproduce white, delicate, and also makes the skin more easily absorb nutrients skin care products.
How to use exfoliating scrub
Intensity to light
Can scrub clean the pores, but if in case there are no open pores, will lead to scrub particles clog pores, so before using the scrub, you should wash your face with warm water, then scrub on hands smudged then massage on the skin, for 1 minute to clean the skin.
Not often used
Metabolic cycle of the skin of one month, so, can not scrub too frequently, otherwise it will make the skin becomes more sensitive, exfoliating scrub is best to use once a month.

Type scrub
Scrub Plants
Plant-based scrub particles rounded and large, it will not bring damage to the skin, and plant-based scrub also contains natural vitamins and lipids in the stratum corneum of the skin removed, but also provide nutrients to the skin, make skin more nourishing .
Donkey milk Scrub
Donkey milk scrub rich in whey protein and fatty acids, natural ingredients plus plant scrub particles in exfoliating the same time, can also slow down skin aging, skin more youthful and smooth.

Scrub chemical type
Chemical type scrub particles are also very mellow, but such particles are artificial particles can remove horny skin, but long-term use on the skin to stimulate large.
Flower Oil Scrub
Is to add essential oils scrub, very many varieties, such scrub containing natural floral ingredients, then add essential oils skin effect, not only to remove dead skin keratinocytes, you can also nourish the skin for facial skin.
How to buy exfoliating scrub
In the purchase scrub, scrub depends on the texture is fine, will be applied to the inside of the arm portion scrub and massage for 2 minutes, if the skin is not itching and other allergic symptoms, then scrub more delicate, can be used.
How to care for use after exfoliating scrub
Use exfoliating scrub, RF Beauty Machine  the new surface of the horny skin is very tender and vulnerable to irritation, so care should be done after exfoliating, choose a high moisturizing moisturizer to protect the new keratin.


Freckle wrinkle effect how

Will the "small spot" change "Great spot"
! Of course not "strike it big," China Beauty Machine  and the reason why many people think that after the laser treatment after small spots will become big spots, mainly for two reasons: First, there has been back to black phenomenon; Second, there are some spots on the original smaller than the size of the laser spot.
Although the size of the laser spot can be adjusted, but there are certain restrictions when small spots than the minimum point of the laser light can be transferred even hours, the laser spot is bound to exceed the spot size of the laser will be "hit" to the spot in addition, while the event back to black, is all laser "hit" to the skin may return to black, so back to black area equivalent to the area of ​​the laser spot, rather than the actual area of ​​the spot, which is let back to black people feel the laser spot is "playing" big truth!
Will "triad"

Laser freckle rebound triad reasons: the emergence of back to black, many people will think that this is a laser treatment failure, it is not true, it is subjected to self-repair after skin contact laser performance, back to black once appeared later, the skin will automatically Metabolism pigmentation, that is, the re-emergence of the pigments usually fade away in 2-3 months back to black after the metabolism is slower then need 3-6 months. Thus, a laser freckle want to accept people should eliminate the "demons", the courage to take the first step of laser treatment can be a part of the first treatment to try and see whether it will return to the black.
There will be no rebound under normal circumstances
It is based on the theory of selective photothermal effect using its powerful instant power, which was spotted directly vaporized, crushed, and then eliminated from the body through the lymphatic tissue, without affecting the surrounding normal tissue freckle. Laser freckle but there is a certain selectivity. Laser freckle when the pigment gradually absorbed by the body, the skin color also will be lighter. In addition, some vascular spots, such as hemangioma purposes of laser cosmetic surgery, vascular heme absorption of heat generated by the laser caused microvascular atrophy, skin gradually returned to normal.
This laser treatment and a variety of traditional treatment methods are not the same, from the fundamental principle of the treatment can be seen on the thoroughness of their treatment, laser removal is stain stain area by laser irradiation, and the presence of pigmentation the organization will absorb the laser energy, followed by decomposition of vaporization, and then follow the skin metabolism excreted, since the laser Beauty Machine  can act on deep skin tissue, it can completely remove the stain, unlike traditional therapy only works on the skin surface , can not stop the deep pigment surfaced again, so under normal circumstances, a laser freckle not rebound. Laser skin rejuvenation is not only effective in the treatment of surface blemishes, and more importantly, it can be safely and effectively improve the elasticity, tone and detail of the skin, and the human body without using herbs deputy with the maximum extent possible to meet consumer the pursuit of high-quality image.


Several simple and effective whitening coup

The first one: warm water + cleanser thoroughly clean the skin
How skin lightening,  Photorejuvenation  clean skin is the key to any skin care products that can be absorbed. It becomes particularly important to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Xiao Bian remind MM pay attention to the correct way to wash: After washing the face with warm water, squeezing the right amount of hand cleanser Cuochu rich foam, foam gently wash your face. Wash your face with your fingers from outside to inside the circle, from the cheeks began to focus on the T-zone and nose wash, rinse with cold water after washing clean.
The second measure: Protection + isolation daytime, night + nourish repair
Whitening should not intermittently during the day and at night. Daytime skin cells close to a dormant state, we need to do is guard + isolation, quarantine skin sun, air pollution, radiation; in the evening most need to do is repair + nourish the skin in the evening to make optimum nutrient absorption time get the best nourishment!
The third measure: interior and exterior attention to the sun
Most afraid of the sun spots, and even indoor lighting with fluorescent lamps also because of the strong ultraviolet aggravated stain excited, either the sun or a fluorescent lamp, resulting in increased activity will cause melanoma basal layer melanin content increased, the formation of stains, but also we will make the yellow sun tanning! so both should pay attention to the sun in the outdoor or indoor.

Fourth trick: Do not use abrasive products of long-term
Scrub products, after use skin appears to be very soft, in fact, has destroyed the natural protective barrier of the first "stratum corneum", the stratum corneum can not lose moisture and protect the skin against the outside world, but also has the effect of absorption of moisture. Excessive use of scrub products, destroy this natural barrier, it will increase the risk of long spot.
Fifth trick: always carry moisturizing spray moisturizing
Yellowish skin, long spot because the skin does not get enough water caused. Dry skin, it can cause pigmentation, thereby forming the spot. How skin lightening, so moisture is very important. There are many stars in their own skin lightening broke method, will be referred to the importance of moisture will be ready to carry moisturizing spray.
Sixth trick: go to bed before 11 o'clock every night
Adequate sleep for healthy young skin is very important, but also skin lightening ensure adequate sleep, develop a regular sleep habits, to ensure that every day and go to bed before 23 o'clock, so as to promote liver detoxification, to avoid facial skin problems.
Seventh move: diet should be light and not spicy
The simplest way is to pay attention to  Water oxygen machine
 their skin lightening healthy diet, eat well in order to have good skin, you should pay attention to diet should be light, avoid eating too much spicy food, away from the barbecue food, and some dessert, pay attention to tobacco and alcohol, so can effectively reduce the generation spots, yellowish and other issues, in order to ensure a good facial skin.


Evening dried skin moisturizing three steps to do strong strokes

Positive season season, Laser Beauty feedback   many people will find severe dry skin condition, the skin becomes very rough table. This is because the skin's metabolism slows down, the skin moisturizing sebum secretion and phylogenetic state of imbalance, resulting in skin stratum corneum water content is too low. Night is enough time, you can spend more time doing moisturizing care, then the moisture should not only pay, but also to make up the oil, the key to doing this three-step skin moist and very natural.

Evening three-step skin is not moist and dried

Step 1: After thoroughly cleaning the face, the whole face moisturizing lotion or spray on mineral water spray, so that every facial skin is completely absorbed moisture. You can choose flower water or mineral water, small water molecules more easily absorbed.

Evening dried skin moisturizing three steps to do strong strokes

Step 2: Apply moisturizing cream or moisturizing mask cast Apply moisturizing mask, moisturizing skin up into a lot of energy, thoroughly moisten the skin keratinocytes. In fact, these two steps may be performed simultaneously, first painted moisturizing cream, do not wait until it is completely absorbed can apply the mask, and a mask over 15 minutes is enough, too long but will pour water points.

Step 3: Apply a thick moisturizer cast a lot of demands moisturizing lotion, apply a thick layer of skin absorption. Night do not worry about greasy, and deep sleep prone skin moisture loss, so spotting nourishing moisturizer it does not matter.

remind you that skin care is preferably carried out before ten o'clock in the evening, since two o'clock to eleven o'clock at night is most active when the skin cells. Cleansing and exfoliating  Laser Beauty  and moisturizing seemingly not the slightest relationship, in fact, only really enjoy a completely relaxed after a shower, skin care before the official start.


Teach you to create a modified round face bangs super simple

Have you ever had  Beauty Equipment  such trouble: If you want to get hold of the fringe, but also worried that this will be more prominent his round face. In fact, bangs make your face look smaller. This is also one of the benefits stay bangs.
Japanese fashion website April 17 of Peachy we will introduce some sort of fringe method. Just 30 seconds, fiddle with a few bangs can make you busy morning easily have a perfect face.

Super simple! Round also able immediately becomes cool

1. appropriated side bangs
Dead of Liu Qi will highlight the width of the face, which is why a round face female friends do not fit Qi Liu reasons. The solution is very simple, as long as one side bangs appropriated made oblique bangs on the line. Make your forehead bangs oblique inverted V-shape, this will highlight the vertical lines of the face, giving a neat feeling.

2. create a sense of random hair
Scattered bangs look natural is to create a perfect bangs important tips. Simply spray a little styling bangs messed it does not look a wearer, so that makes you look a lot of fresh Oh.

NOTE: You can put aside the hair to ear

Liu finished processing, other hair how to get it? Next to introduce you to. You may feel ear hair can cover a round face, round face and in fact there may be more prominent. Laser hair removal machine  Because these hair outline your face feeling makes facial lines framed up. So you make a decision, to the left or right side of the hair hang it in the ear. This method is particularly suitable for round face was left a bob and long hair, oh man.
Simply adjust the fringe can easily change the face! Quickly try.


Through time and space gorgeous retro feel Finger Wave finger waves roll

Finger wave volume

In many Western retro movies,  laser hair removal machine  you'll find the play are based on hair styling hair care of the household-based, it has a proprietary name is called Finger Wave Hair (finger waves roll), as early as 1920, had this hairstyle all the rage, the young woman was the beauty of the ladies went to the hair salon to catch up!

1920s began prevalence of gorgeous styling, and now it is still very popular! Want to create gorgeous colorful retro styling, it is absolutely not less Finger Wave Hair (finger wave volumes)!

Mold mildew golden finger wavy hair

Mold mildew tell you how to draw the United States pick! Each attend various activities mildew mildew can always look beautiful, in addition to costumes and makeup, the hair style she often always bright spots! The blond wavy hair all combed to the side, elegant and sexy, but also quite classical beauty. I heard blond wavy hair with your fingers with the best Oh!

Step 1

First, the hair spray styling spray, so the hair becomes supple, obedient, then according to the weight of the hair is divided into 2.28 or three seven, After-point line, from near the top of the scalp hair is beginning to use hair sticks or small the S-type hair iron to start route hair hot roll.

Step 2

Upon completion of the outermost layer of the hair, use a clip up, and then the inner layer of hair once again create waves roll, but we must keep in mind, S-type wave radian each layer, and the outermost layer of the arc to remain the same, so as to allow all the hair together perfectly, after every one wave, you can use a comb to gently comb the hair, so hair mixed together.

Plate made of finger waves roll

Dish made girls want the rear to three strands of hair or tails compiled four strands of the way, beginning in the neck position, can live loosely edited, compiled and distributed after completion, will be issued with a clip fixed to the back of the head end portion, and possession up and make some adjustments, definitely you can go directly to a variety of dinners, appointments, meetings up!

The length of the finger wave volume

Initially used only in finger waves roll female head with short hair, long hair because hair tail dragging weight easily head finally made waves straightened. Of course, this does not prevent women who want beautiful heart, then later went on to invent a suitable long-haired finger waves roll: After doing overhead waves, the remaining hair in a bun at the back of the head is fixed, both dignified and beautiful .

In today's world of rampant large Hanamaki hair if you comb his hair retro finger waves roll,IPL hair removal  absolutely amazing, the thick  retro nostalgia show to the fullest, as if to get back to the old Shanghai of the era, ears Yingying Swirling old record. Girls, stunning the audience is ready to begin?


Laser hair removal cycle is generally how long?

Is it hair removal machine   because you are too heavy hair girlfriends known as "man" mean? Is it because of excessive armpit in summer time can not wear sleeveless pretty clothes? In fact, too much hair for women is indeed serious the impact of his life, using depilatory creams, then it is easy to allergies, and will grow again. So many people want to use laser hair removal, thoroughly remove hair troubles.

It should be noted that, although the laser hair removal allows you to say goodbye to hair troubles, but it is one cycle, and only by adhering to finish this period, you can say goodbye and annoying hair. So, specifically laser hair removal cycle is generally how long? Need to do it a few times?

The hair growth cycle can be divided into growth phase, the transition period, telogen phases. Laser hair removal mainly for growing hair follicle to destroy, to hair removal results. When the hair is in the growth phase, the hair follicle completely, hair follicles, which determines hair color black, with a long time if a pulsed laser irradiation of a specific wavelength, can destroy melanin, to achieve the purpose of hair removal hair follicle atrophy. But generally speaking, the human hair growth cycle three state coexist, Beijing laser beauty experts suggest, so to achieve permanent hair removal, need to receive more than 3-5 times of treatment, in order to achieve the most complete destruction of hair growth best hair removal results.

Then these times of treatment requires long? Based on different parts have different hair growth cycle, each laser hair removal treatment intervals are different. A head of hair resting relatively short interval of a month or so; the trunk and limbs relatively long hair resting interval of two months. In general, laser hair removal requires each interval of 4-8 weeks between each treatment, new hair will grow back after the next viable laser hair removal treatment.

This means that laser hair removal cycle is generally how long this problem, according to the specific characteristics of each individual hair is somewhat different. So if you want to perform laser hair removal, may wish specific information about professions,  808nm diode laser  according to introduce professional look yourself if laser hair removal is performed, then, how long cycle specific needs.


Laser lip hair removal methods and precautions

Under normal Facial hair removal machine circumstances beard male patent, there are some women in some thick upper lip hair, it looks like a faint beard, which is clearly inconsistent with the female identity. Upper lip hairs more, we can not go with a razor to shave it, that hand will grow faster. Currently, women upper lip laser hair removal is a very good method, but also a lot of beauty to the more favored.

Lip hair removal method

Currently ideal lip hair removal laser hair removal method is female lip hair, it is fast pain, luck also once and for all, can only be compared to a hair removal hair removal method of acupuncture (which is a US Food permanent hair removal methods and Drug Administration-approved) is much safer, the laser can simultaneously remove a hair, the risk of scarring after minimal skin burns, and after a few months, even grow back hair, the number will significantly reduced.

Lip hair removal precautions

1, due to the relatively delicate skin around the lips, so surgery must choose the regular professional hospital, will be safeguarded.

2, before surgery to do a comprehensive physical examination to ensure that no major disease.

3, before surgery to avoid aspirin or similar anti-clotting drugs.

4, one week before the surgery to avoid alcohol.

5, menstruation or pregnancy can not undergo surgery.

Reminder, after lip hair removal hair removal site in some patients may result in slight irritation, skin allergies and itching sensation of heat or, if the patient can feel pain in ice way to relieve pain. Do not use hot water hair removal site hot wash and scrub. super hair removal   Patients within six months after epilation, avoid the sun and use sunscreen with doctors' instructions spreads in the affected area to reduce sunlight.


eliminación de tatuajes con láser tiene conocimientos rancho común

La eliminación de  Láser máquina de eliminación de tatuajes tatuajes con láser por el conocimiento ¿Cuánto sabe usted? Ahora tatuaje generalmente decapado y lavado láser, lavado más ahora utilizan láser es un material de pigmento de la piel con láser aplastado a romperse, cuando los gránulos de pigmento gradualmente absorbidos por el cuerpo, color también se desvanecerá después de varios tratamientos y finalmente desaparecieron. La eliminación de tatuajes con láser por el conocimiento ¿Cuánto sabe usted?

Veamos tatuaje conocimiento, Tatuaje ahora generalmente decapado y lavado láser, lavar la mayoría ahora utilizar láser es un material de pigmento de la piel con láser aplastado a romperse, cuando los gránulos de pigmento gradualmente absorbidos por el cuerpo, color también se desvanecerá después de varios tratamientos y finalmente desaparecieron. Dado que la alta seguridad forma de tatuajes con láser, pero el efecto es muy satisfactoria, y por lo tanto para el problema, el costo de este enfoque se necesita para ser más alto que otros tratamientos.
Actualmente método láser tatuaje es generalmente un método y decapado, tatuajes con láser de eliminación de tatuajes sin dejar ningún rastro, decapado será cicatrices. Tatuaje ir a un gran hospital regular, en general, dermatología o proyecto del hospital de cirugía estética puede eliminar tatuajes.
Láser eliminación de tatuajes con láser se aplica sobre la zona afectada, las partículas de pigmento se trituran a pequeña restos se descarga a través de la costra de la piel apagado, o células sanguíneas circulantes engullir descarga completa y el metabolismo de pigmento. Este método no destruye el resto de la piel, eliminar tatuajes sin dejar ningún rastro. La eliminación de tatuajes con láser es el método preferido para eliminar tatuajes.

La eliminación de tatuajes con láser es el uso de la energía láser sin problemas en la zona de la lesión, el tratamiento de tinte se vaporiza, aplastado, hacen que los colores se desvanecen tatuaje. En general, un efecto de tatuaje superficial es muy obvio, e incluso eliminarse por completo, pero la mayor parte por lo general requieren múltiples tratamientos. Los diferentes colores de luz láser es absorbida por la piel de un color diferente, y hacen uso de la energía láser vaporiza la tintura partículas se desintegran, el bloqueo de los vasos sanguíneos, y luego absorbidos por el cuerpo fuera del cuerpo a las partículas de colorante, pigmento decayó.
Debido a que sólo una cierta longitud de onda del láser es absorbida por el pigmento del color apropiado, Equipo de belleza láser   sólo las células enfermas para absorber láser específico también puede controlar el láser llega a la profundidad de la piel, el pulso ajustable permite la piel para reducir el daño al mínimo. Por lo general, siete días a 10 días y pueden regresar a la piel normal.


Female facial blood vessels rupture how to do?

Reason: facial redness is how formed?

Ordinary face, is how the formation of red blood? According to Dr Chen introduced, mainly because of facial redness cuticle damage, poor performance telangiectasia, skin thin and sensitive, hot and cold air, or emotional encounter repeatedly shrink, causing capillary congestion, facial criss-cross will appear like spider net redness, severe cases even into a sheet to form a cop. Therefore, the red blood repair products from the following three aspects to measure the effect that: can significantly increase the thickness of the stratum corneum, can effectively restore capillary elasticity; can significantly enhance skin  tolerance, reduced skin sensitivity .

Solution: How to remove red blood?

It is understood that the removal of red blood many methods, but each has advantages and disadvantages. For example, the current multi-hospital use of a laser to redness, good results, but the higher the operator's technical requirements, the need to do division multiple medications. It will bear fruit.

Maintenance: With redness how to do?

How to remove red blood? Xiao Bian asked Dr Chan face appeared red blood how to care. She said patients must pay more attention to the details of everyday life, such as cold attention to the sun, use a mild skin care products without added on regular massage skin redness, drink milk, eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less spicy food, pay attention to improve skin immunity, but also to maintain peace of mind, avoid furious exultation.

Note: redness error approach
For the treatment of patients with red blood Mistakes moment, Dr Chan said that attaining alternating hot and cold water, hormones, skin care products do not have any, his face painted with thick cream and other methods in the treatment of not only useless, but also make the skin more sensitive.


Laser get rid of freckles several advantages

Laser not only can wrinkle or freckle killer. On eliminate freckles laser has a natural advantage.

One advantage: security no scars
Freckles laser surgical procedure, time is short, no incision, no pain, no bleeding and no hospitalization, as long as pay attention to maintaining good surgical site can be clean and dry, so the laser is safe to get rid of freckles, leaving no scars.

Two advantages: selective
Usually the number of freckles rash although more, but the vast majority still exist in isolation, rather than integration. But get rid of freckles laser can maximize freckles and selective effect on the site, which can effectively prevent damage normal skin, freckles and skin gone, and healthy.

Three advantages: a small number of treatment
Usually freckles 1-2 times after laser treatment, can achieve complete removal of the effect.

Four advantages: no side effects
Laser get rid of freckles can avoid of traditional treatments for the skin side effects, so long as attention to good post-operative care, laser get rid of freckles is the absence of any side effects and adverse reactions.
Laser freckles advantage, so you flawless skin rejuvenation, so perfect success so simple, but the beauty of those who still need to pay more attention to postoperative care cosmetic matters, lay a solid foundation for the beautiful.

We are a professional laser beauty equipment manufacturer, our products all over the world, and has received a lot of customers and patients at home, if you want to know more, you can contact us.

Office Number: 008629-86677223


SHR beauty instrument in the end is good to go?

Now appeared on the market an upgraded version of the instrument SHR OPT beauty equipment, he was in the original OPT on the increase in high-efficiency, based on the original and improved security, easier to carry out such a beauty salon beauty items involved , in the end SHR beauty equipment good? surely you want to know it

SHR IPL beauty equipment use and bipolar RF radio frequency technology for the entire dermis and connective tissue play a role in stimulating the collagen of different depths, rearrange and growth, so as to achieve a therapeutic effect, two-stage RF release energy at the same time, the use of light skin selective absorption, so that the epidermis and dermis of various diseased tissue produce light pyrolysis effect. Because light energy is far below conventional IPL, can make the skin without damage to the epidermis, a variety of pigmented lesions and vascular dermis layer absorb more energy, better get rid of these lesions, for therapeutic effect.

RF + light + skin cooling. In the OPT optical technology, solar energy plays a guiding role, guided radiofrequency can focus on target tissues, strengthen the target tissue RF absorption in the case of low light intensity conditions. At the same time the surface treatment of head and sapphire contact cooling technology eliminates the thermal effect of light too strong and lead to increased skin impedance, reduce skin absorption of RF energy, so that the efficacy and safety have greatly improved, but also for light-colored target tissue equally effective to get rid of freckles, deep spots, whitening effect, so that our skin like a baby smooth, delicate, beautiful add to our confidence.

At the same time, we use SHR beauty equipment, we also take into account SHR beauty equipment maintenance problems, is it possible to solve the targeted yellowish skin especially in the major beauty salon, every day received hundreds of customers, so SHR Beauty instrument relatively large loss, thereby reducing the cosmetic effect of the instrument and reduce the life of the instrument. If you want to learn more how to Yuet Heng beauty equipment, you can contact us directly beauty equipment manufacturers teachers, our teachers will provide professional technical guidance for us.


European and American actress micro tears ditch filled plastic items & go nasolabial folds

If the actress is also the date that was not cling too early caused a sensation in the world of "Fifty Shades" actress Dakota Johnson Dakota Johnson had beautiful to see. But only six months gone, she recently attended the Venice International Film Festival red carpet photos are like 10 years old, emaciated.

This one is the first few she attended the Academy Awards photos, aging haggard look on the right of this year compared to the way it is far worse. Dakota Johnson in fact only 26 years old, but looks a lot bigger than their actual age. Some people say that make-up and lighting problem, edit the following to play face.
From a distance, Dakota Johnson a little black eye, you are not able to think pink cover point defect cover it? A closer look, there are not only black eye tears ditch, a powder the more obvious. Bags below depressions called tears ditch, ditch obvious tears more old people. Otherwise, look at photo editing to locate her early to attend film promotion, is not it feel through the back 10 years ago?

Micro-plastic items: Tears filled ditch

Tears ditch, then by injection of hyaluronic acid or autologous fat tears were filling the ditch, so that the position of the skin and cheek pouch smooth transition. Tears filled ditch also helps eliminate dark circles and bags under the eyes, can serve three purposes. Tears filled ditch before and after surgery takes only 1-2 hours after surgery without hospitalization, does not affect work and school, is a good choice midday beauty.

While a few years ago Britney Spears negative news, but in recent years seems to turn over, although the figure is not the conventional recovery slim, but finally is often in front of people. However, because the consumption of too much early, Britney even of thick powder can also conceal wrinkles and eye pattern, with his face sagging double chin, it looks particularly old state.

Micro-plastic items: hyaluronic acid injection to forehead wrinkles + Laser Beauty

Hyaluronic acid injection to forehead desired effect, and can increase the elasticity of the skin so that the forehead. Since Britney lying silkworm itself, if another injection of hyaluronic acid can affect the eyes appearance, hence the method is more suitable for laser wrinkle end of eye fine lines.

By removing the double chin fat soluble needles, liposuction or hot Maggie methods.
Blake Lively (Blake Lively) is known as the Queen of S that has just promoted to Freaky Black magic could not escape the grip of aging.

Obvious nasolabial folds and wrinkles, expression is embarrassing embarrassing. Compared to maintain a dignified wrinkles that will be able to look for less obvious wrinkles, nasolabial people simply hated teeth itch - no matter what you face, it is all there.
We try to make the nasolabial folds become less obvious, is not it does not look like a child's mother? So how do you get rid of people Zaoxin nasolabial folds? In addition to daily skin care to do, you want quick, or to by micro plastic injection fillers to resolve.

Micro-plastic items: injection of hyaluronic acid to nasolabial folds

Injection of hyaluronic acid to nasolabial surgery fast, just before and after about half an hour, and quick. Without significant swelling after surgery, faster recovery and care no trouble. Major surgery price depends on how much hyaluronic acid, a hyaluronic acid generally meet the needs filling nasolabial folds, deep nasolabial folds may be required if the two hyaluronic acid.


Hair loss benefits: laser treatment

Practice shows that in the medical field, different wavelengths, biological effects and the therapeutic effects of different power laser effects in the human body produced is different; in general, thermal effects of high-power laser energy significantly, commonly used in tissue cauterization, coagulation cutting treatment of skin neoplasm, cervical erosion, retinal detachment; or knife can be used to stop bleeding during surgery, can be performed through the endoscope inside the body cavity of burning superficial tumor resection.
Low-power low-energy laser has obvious activation, can affect tissue metabolism, promote tissue regeneration, accelerate inflammation dissipated, commonly used in local irradiation Meridian, surface treatment of ulcers, mouth ulcers, hair loss, laryngitis, bronchitis, shoulder inflammation, pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic eczema, neurodermatitis, genital itching, allergic rhinitis, hemifacial spasm.

Application of cosmetic laser small power more widely, wherein the laser for the treatment of hair loss has been made in terms of the more satisfactory results, the therapy is a use of laser thermal effect and photochemical effects to human skin on the head abnormal hair loss conducted physical therapy, works by soft laser (red and far-red light) penetrate into the cell under the scalp (the hair root and milk balls) most deep, to accelerate blood circulation, endocrine regulation and improve the quality of hair , in addition to falling outside the inhibition, it can make the hair re-growth.
Laser irradiation can increase skin temperature, strengthen the local blood circulation, reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, reduce scalp itching and local pain and other phenomena, the secretion of oil have better control effect.
Laser has a certain anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, can improve the body's own immune system, enhance local tissue resistance to infection, and some of seborrheic dermatitis skin inflammation with good inhibitory effect.

Promote tissue repair and hair growth is another important role of the laser. The study found that different types of laser, also has extensive regulating physiological function role, especially for some of the biological activity of enzymes regulating substances in vivo, in promoting tissue repair and regrowth of hair plays a very important role. Clinical practice has proved, by laser irradiation of hair, capillaries and regeneration of collagen fibers increased significantly, while the hair follicle cells metabolic processes are improved and strengthened.
Under normal circumstances, three months after laser treatment, hair loss process conditions significantly improved, but also depend on the health situation and the cause of each person's hair loss vary. Process, through the pipe laser action will directly touch the scalp hair loss, treating the guests without any sensory stimulation. In addition to the laser treatment, the patient can also tie in with the germinal care use in the course of treatment, the effect will be more significant.

hair laser treatment 

Treatment Principle
1. Accelerate blood circulation to improve regeneration ability of collagen fibers and promote metabolism. 650nm laser and 625nm PDT can enhance the activity of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) of subcutaneous tissue, and ATP is the main energy transmission medium between cells which help to encourage the metabolism of the tissue. So 650nm laser and 625nm PDT help to enhance blood flow and make oxygen and nutrient send to the hair follicles, and 808nm laser will help solution penetration, as a result, it achieves the efficacy of halting the progression of hair loss.
2. Modulate the hair follicles
TB-650I patented narrow wavelength light and EMS can effectively stimulate hair follicles, and turn 80% of the hair follicles which is in the state of hibernation to active status, and attain the effect of the cessation of hair loss and restoring.
3. Regulate oil secretions
Excessive oil secretion also is a reason for causing hair loss, Abnormality of sebaceous glands leads to excessive oil secretion, while Dihydro Testosterone Cave (DHT) in the oil released by sebaceous glands will trigger more hair follicles dwindling or even shrinking, then, hair loss is caused. TB-650I Hair Rejuvenation can dredge the sebaceous glands duct to decrease and control oil secretion so as to improve hair condition.
4. Promote scalp health, improve hair quality TB-650I composite hair mask irradiates hair follicles to accelerate hair growth, and strengthen the hair elasticity and increase hair density making the hair pitch-black shine.
5. Promote nutrient absorption
TB-650I is a patented cold light source, which won't hurt hair, it is neither chemicalnor drugs but its penetrability is better than them. It overcomes the weakness of various chemicals hair fluid which is unable to fully infiltrate into hair root.